Deep Freeze Server Enterprise [ 2015 with Key ]

Deep Freeze Server Enterprise powerful software and instantly protect and defend the basic computer configuration. No matter what changes a user makes to a workstation, simply restart to eradicate all changes and reset the computer to its original state - right down to the last byte. Expensive computer assets are kept running at 100% capacity and technical support time is reduced or eliminated altogether. The result is consistent trouble-free computing on a network that is truly protected and parallel, completely free of harmful viruses and unwanted programs.Placing no restrictions on a user's ability to access all system resources, users avoid the frustration of downtime due to software conflicts, operating system corruption, virus attacks, and other problems. Users are always assured of computers that are consistently operable and available. Build strength Deep Freeze Standard, Deep Freeze Enterprise offers centralized deployment and enhanced flexibility options for customizable management of large computing environments. Deep Freeze Enterprise is the best solution to keep a large number of PCs in top notch state.

What's New Deep Freeze Server Enterprise
Resolved an issue where the computer hung when External USB 3.0 Drive attached when Deep Freeze is installed. (Case No: SJO-295-89647, PPB-766-23628)
Resolved an issue where the computer loses connection to the console because Deep Freeze Services application crashes. (Case No: HYA-731-34835)
Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze cause a blue screen when thawed on Windows Embedded.
Resolved an issue where password is the Deep Freeze Console gets reset when upgrading to the next version.

Known problems
Deep Freeze Console IP Address column does not sort properly. (Case No: TRV-310-98644)
Deep Freeze Console column can display the status of one or console can display error messages when connected remotely via LogMeIn. Restart the console for a solution. (Case No: zme-498-42392)
PNF-778-57438В Enterprise Console does not maintain the position of the window on the screen after it is closed.
Deep Freeze is Freezing exFAT partitions when only C: has been selected to be frozen. (Case No: KVC-818-40780)
Unable to mount ThawSpace as a folder on the host machine NComputing vSpace with certain versions. (Case No: NPZ-667-36684)
Updating clients through Custom Console remove the license information. Renew a license with regular console or through a custom console with activated license. (Case No: YNN-670-71193)
On Windows MultiPoint Server 2011: The driver FarSpace cause BSOD when enable Shadow Copies. (Case No: IMM-527-49770)
Computers can be disconnected from the domain after updating Deep Freeze. (Case No: RTP-430-17187)
Deep Freeze Enterprise Console shows the older workstation Anti-Virus version as Not Installed to upgrade to the appropriate version. (Case No: Xei-516-30335)
Deep Freeze icon does not appear in the System Tray or Blue Screen system on Toshiba tablet Encore II. (Case No: HCK-877-61202)
Performing the automatic Windows Update in a Thawed state and reboot the computer into a frozen state causes boot loop if the Windows Update requires additional reboot to complete the configuration. (Case No: UKC-375-35031)
BSOD occurs on reboot in Windows 8 / 8.1 computer with one or several NTFS Storage Spaces.
In the Deep Freeze Console, it is possible to schedule one time task with the past from the date / time.
Deep Freeze Company can not download Anti-Virus clients in the Deep Freeze Console, when using a proxy.
a higher version of Deep Freeze Console is probably not much connected to the Server Service older. (Case No: ZIG-771-78174)
Deep Freeze Console column title indicates List View name when connecting to the console using RDP.
Clock icon does not disappear after Schedule Task is run on a workstation that is determined to move the focus to another node.
error message when trying to install on a workstation Seeded One Seed. (Case No: HZE-688-20303)
In a workstation environment RDP task notification shows only the remote session, but not locally on the workstation.
ThawSpaces sometimes not hide / unhide the next startup with auto login, when installing Deep Freeze or change ThawSpace visibility while policy Honor GP for hidden drive is enabled.
The Windows Update Task workstation stuck until the end of the specified time even when doing final after Windows Update is completed.
Problems installing Deep Freeze on Amazon EC2 Virtual Machine. (Case No: OZQ-742-93976)
In certain scenarios, Freeze Deep Freeze can be external drives, while set to not Freeze External Drives. (Case No: RHB-584-77574)
Some workstations column value is not set in the History node comparably with whole network nodes.
Deep Freeze Network Service can not be started if there is a file named program on the system drive (Case No: ZHX-958-78760).
hidden columns in the Deep Freeze Console become visible and their title indicates List View name when activating the Anti-Virus (to refresh each node).
title Workstation Task notification does not indicate the type of task.
Some unexpected menu items may appear in the Tools menu Deep Freeze Console when some special nodes are active.
Only in 2012 / 2012R2 Server: Workstation Task notification no pop-ups on the Login screen.
In certain scenarios Deep Freeze Console can display incorrect information in the column when connected via RDP or switch View.
Available Configuration context menu and menu See modern / classic is not localized.
Not dismiss the hourglass icon when performing a series of commands to a large selection of workstation without rebooting.
When upgrading the Deep Freeze Console in UI mode, do not have to show a success message and launch the console until all the .exe files and .rdx recompiled,.


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